Lakeshore Fitness Center

Lakeshore Fitness Center FAQs

Updated: July 1, 2020

Is the Lakeshore Fitness Center open now?
No. MCC closed the Lakeshore Fitness Center on March 19, 2020.

When will the Center reopen?
The MCC Board of Trustees voted at its June meeting to issue Requests for Proposals for an outside entity to reopen and operate the facility as a fitness center. One RFP issued on July 1 is for a short-term operator (September 2020-February 2021). A second RFP for long-term operation will be issued in August 2020.

Will issuing the RFPs guarantee that the Lakeshore Fitness Center will reopen?
No. The Board of Trustees will review all proposals but is under no obligation to accept any of them.

Will the Lakeshore Fitness Center be sold to a private developer and cease to exist?
The Board of Trustees clearly stated its preference to have the facility continue as a fitness center that serves an important segment of our community. The BOT also agreed to review the results of a third-party survey being conducted to measure community interest in the Lakeshore Fitness Center. However, if the Board does not receive an acceptable proposal, sale to a private developer could be a final option.

Who do I contact if I want to join?
If and when a new operator is selected, information will be shared with the community by the operator on how to become a member.

Will the rates stay the same as before?
That decision will be made by the new facility operator.

Will the Silver Sneakers program be continued?
That decision will be made by the new facility operator.

Will all programming be the same?
That decision will be made by the new facility operator

I used to work at the Lakeshore Fitness Center. Will I get my job back?
Since MCC will not be operating the facility any longer, that decision will be up to whomever steps forward to operate the facility in the short-term and whomever purchases it for the long-term.