MCC Presence at ArtPrize 2013

Four Muskegon Community College Arts and Humanities faculty members and one MCC student are among the 1,500 international artists displaying their work at ArtPrize 2013, which runs from Sept. 18 through Oct. 6 in Grand Rapids, Mich.

ArtPrize is an open, independently organized international art competition with $360,000 in prizes decided entirely by public vote and another $200,000 awarded by jury. The art is displayed for 19 days at various locations within three square miles of downtown Grand Rapids.

MCC adjunct art instructor Chip (Russell) VanderWier has a ceramic piece at Grand Rapids Brewing Co., 1 Ionia Ave. SW. Art adjunct instructor Patti Opel and full-time instructor Tim Norris have a collaborative painting at the Western Michigan University GR Center, 200 Ionia Ave. SW. Art adjunct instructor  LeeAnn Frame has a print at the Women’s City Club, 254 E. Fulton. St.

Meanwhile, MCC student Angela Pari Chumroo of Muskegon has a painting at Grand Rapids Pizza and Delivery, 340 State St. SE.

For more information on ArtPrize 2013, visit